Heartfelt Gratitude at Bonei Olam 2023 Campaign HQ – $10+ Million Raised!



When Schlomo Bochner, the founder of Bomei Olam started the campaign, he had no idea how much people would donate.

The answer: well over $10 million.


Founded in 1999 by Bochner and his wife Chanie after they endured 22 years of infertility, Bonei Olam subsidizes fertility treatments and genetic research in the Orthodox community.

Hopes… Dreams… Stories…

Every story has a beginning, middle, and end.

A couple gets married, has a baby, and life takes on a predictable routine.

But what if you’re stuck in a story that seems to never end? What if the chapters on hopelessness and loneliness seem to go on forever?

What if friends and family seem to be writing chapters filled with light and love, while your story is full of darkness and despair?

For 2,354 couples, life is filled with so much pain, they can write a book.

Bonei Olam does not let them suffer alone. Financial assistance, emotional support, and expert medical guidance give couples a bit of hope on their journey toward parenthood.


Source: YouTube (Embedded).
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