Singing Through Sorrow with Simcha: Eli Levin | Inspiration for the Nation


Life throughs challenges in are way. Eli doesn’t let them keep him down.

In this episode, Eli discusses the tragic death of his two brothers, navigating divorce, raising his daughter and living in the moment when it comes to performing by a simcha.

Eli is a singer/musician based out of Brooklyn. He is known for his soulful “hartzig” music, no matter what genre. Be it chasidish, Israeli, pop, or classic rock, eli loves to add a soulful flavor.

Eli has brought his music and heartwarming voice to many simchas and events worldwide, adding a special energy that connects and spiritually uplifts his audience.

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This episode is in memory of:
• Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima
• Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe

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