How This 7-Year-Old Escaped the Holocaust: Simon Felder | Inspiration For The Nation


The inspiring story of a 7-year-old Jewish boy who survived the Holocaust. Despite the unimaginable horrors that he faced, Shimon Felder never lost hope and persevered through the most challenging circumstances.

We learn about his experiences during the war, how he and his family were forced into hiding, and the incredible acts of kindness that saved their lives. Through his story, we’ll gain insight into the resilience of the human spirit and the power of hope in even the darkest of times.

This video serves as a tribute to all those who suffered during the Holocaust, and a reminder that we must never forget the lessons of history.

Simon Felder served as the mayor of Lawrence, one of the towns in the Five Towns, from 2013 to 2017. During his time in office, he worked on various initiatives to improve the quality of life for residents, such as expanding public safety programs, improving local infrastructure, and enhancing community services. He also served as a member of the Lawrence Board of Education and was involved in several community organizations.


This episode is in memory of:
• Shimon Dovid ben Yaakov Shloima
• Miriam Sarah bas Yaakov Moshe
• Simcha Berel Dovid ben Avraham Moshe
• Avraham Yisroel ben Reuven

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