“Niggun” featuring A Berko, Balti, Shira Choir ניגון בביצוע מיוחד של אברומי ברקו בלטי ומקהלת שירה


On May 29, at the Ateres Avraham Hall, a musical collaboration of Avrumi Berko Production, the world famous clarinetist Balti, and the Shira Choir joined in musical harmony to perform the song “Niggun”. This song was originally composed by Meshulem Greenberger and arranged by Mona Rosenblum on the album Nodeh Lecha.
The masterful combination of talented musicians, together with the Shira Choir merged together to recreate this amazing musical piece.

A Berko Production
Avrum Balti
The Shira Choir

Live sound: Yossi Rosenberg
Mixed by: A Berko
Video: Motty Engel

Source: YouTube (Embedded).
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